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Bareback Saddle Pads

Bareback saddles and related riding gear for horses.


Fleece Bareback Pad Red

Fleece Bareback Pad Red
Thick fleece pad designed for a more comfortable ride. Each pad comes with a matching adjustable fleece girth and a nylon handle for an easy grip. These pads are great for hacking around the farm or bareback lesson. No barn is complete without one. For safety reasons, do not use with stirrups. Available Colors; Hunter Green, Black, and Red.

Fleece Bareback Pad Black

Fleece Bareback Pad Black
Thick fleece pad designed for a more comfortable ride. Each pad comes with a matching adjustable fleece girth and a nylon handle for an easy grip. These pads are great for hacking around the farm or bareback lesson. No barn is complete without one. For safety reasons, do not use with stirrups. Available Colors; Hunter Green, Black, and Red.

Fleece Bareback Pad Hunter Green

Fleece Bareback Pad Hunter Green
Thick fleece pad designed for a more comfortable ride. Each pad comes with a matching adjustable fleece girth and a nylon handle for an easy grip. These pads are great for hacking around the farm or bareback lesson. No barn is complete without one. For safety reasons, do not use with stirrups. Available Colors; Hunter Green, Black, and Red.

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